Public in-person Excel training details.

Learning over the internet is great, but nothing beats taking a class in person. Below you will find all the details you'll need to know about our in-person Excel public classes.

Microsoft Excel Public Training

Explore our public classes.

Next Class: Check Dates
Beginning Excel for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Intermediate Excel for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Advanced Excel for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Excel Dashboards for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Beginning Excel VBA for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Excel VBA Data Processing for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Advanced Excel VBA for Business and Industry
Next Class: Check Dates
Microsoft Excel for Engineers and Scientists
Next Class: Check Dates
Excel Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
Next Class: Check Dates
Excel VBA for Engineers and Scientists
Next Class: Check Dates
Excel VBA Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
Next Class: Check Dates
Advanced Excel VBA for Engineers and Scientists
Next Class: Check Dates
Running Fortran DLLs from Excel VBA
Beginning Excel
for Business and Industry
Intermediate Excel
for Business and Industry
Advanced Excel
for Business and Industry
Excel Dashboards
for Business and Industry
Beginning Excel VBA
for Business and Industry
Excel VBA Data Processing
for Business and Industry
Advanced Excel VBA
for Business and Industry
Microsoft Excel
for Engineers and Scientists
Excel Data Analysis
for Engineers and Scientists
Excel VBA
for Engineers and Scientists
Excel VBA Data Analysis
for Engineers and Scientists
Advanced Excel VBA
for Engineers and Scientists
Running Fortran DLLs
from Excel VBA

Must know details about our Excel public training.

Public Excel Training

Since 1998, EMAGENIT (e-mage-in-It) have been providing in-person Excel classes built around answering our customers specific questions and problems.

All of our in-person classes are hands-on and we hold them in Nashville, TN. All of our classes come with repeats for one year. Details >.

 For a more precise learning experience, we divide our Excel training into two groupings: business & industry > and engineering & science >.

Training Schedule >

We hold our public Excel classes in Nashville, TN.

  • EMAGENIT public Excel classes are held in the greater Nashville area.
  • Our class start time is 9:00 AM CT and end time is 5:00 PM CT.
  • When we hold our public classes, you can also join us virtually > if you cannot make the class in person.
Logic Formula Construction
Our Excel public classes cover things like rapid formula construction, array formulas, worksheet functions like IF and XLOOKUP, and how to layout your Excel problems.
Excel External Data Access
Our Excel public classes cover accessing multiple external data sources, shaping and merging their data, and then building automated reports from their data tables.

Public Hotel Location

  • We select our training hotel in the greater Nashville area.
  • It will be in and around the Nashville airport area within about 5 miles.
  • Call us or email us > for hotel details.

A little more about our Excel Classes.

  • Our Excel classes are always taught hands-on by an experienced Excel software developer.
  • We can work on your problems in class and tie them into our syllabus and manual problems.
  • Attendees are encouraged to show up with lots of questions, we love to hear them in class.
  • Our public classes are split into two attendee types: business & industry > and engineering & science >. You are welcome to cross over as they all share the same principles.
Professional Chart Construction
Our Excel public classes cover how to develop professional charts and integrate things like dynamic text and conditional formatting to highlight their data.
Combine Excel Features
Our Excel public classes show how to combine Excel elements like functions, conditional formatting, dynamic pictures, and ActiveX controls to build displays.

We can bring computers for you.

  • We can bring a laptop for you in case you cannot bring one, just let us know in advance of the class.
  • We always load the latest Excel software on them.
  • We do not supply Mac computers, but we do incorporate Excel for Mac into our training.
  • Just let us know in advance of the class if you are using a Mac.
  • We can use both a Mac and Windows computer in class to demonstrate problems.

Excel class size, manuals, and class discounts.

  • We keep our class size limited so you can learn and ask lots of questions.
  • We always run our classes regardless of how many attendees we have, we do not cancel classes.
  • If you are sending more than one individual to our class, let us know and get a discount.
  • All of our Excel classes come with a manual (TCEM > or EAE >) and free repeats >.
Advanced Engineering and Science Problems and Formulas.
Our Excel public classes cover the math fundamentals all the way up to complex engineering and science calculations including numerical analysis.
Need Help? Please call us at 1.629.207.9662

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