Excel VBA Problem Solver Self-Study Manual

Get the in-depth knowledge you need to run VBA and create Excel macro tools. Our manual covers the Excel VBA fundamentals you need to automate calculations, formatting, data processing, reports, and much more.

Excel VBA Problem Solver

Covers the Excel VBA fundamentals that allow you to automate your Excel tasks solving them at the click of a button.

How our manual can help you.

Excel-Aided Engineering and Science

Our manual covers everything you need to know about Excel VBA to start solving common industry problems. It covers in detail all the VBA language topics you need to start writing macros right away. Topics include variables, loops, data types, constants, arrays, operators, expressions, logic decisions, and calling conventions.

Also reviewed is how to use the different types of VBA modules to create your macros and how to debug and view your code in the VBA Editor. There is also an in depth discussion about objects, properties, and methods and how to type and use them effectively.

Our manual also covers how to use VBA to control key Excel components like workbooks and worksheets and how to automate Excel data features like PivotTables, Sort, AutoFilter, Remove Duplicates, and Excel Tables.

Important VBA business / industry topics covered include copying and pasting data; automating calculations / lookups; reading and writing to cells; creating and formatting report tables; data processing; and creating charts.

  • Complete VBA Editor, Module, debugger, and language review
  • Executing Sub procedures using the Macro dialog box, shortcut keys, shapes, and pictures
  • Running Excel functions in VBA to process data, lookup values, and perform calculations
  • Finding and tracking multiple Excel objects at once in your VBA code that are not active
  • Controlling Excel, workbooks, worksheets, windows, page setup and PivotTables with VBA
  • Controlling Ranges, Cells, Names, Formulas, Fonts, Borders, and cell colors with VBA
  • Using VBA to read cell values, perform calculations, write to cells, and fill forms
  • Controlling Data Validation, sorting, filters, Excel Tables, queries... with VBA
  • Using VBA to fill, insert, delete, copy / paste, and format table rows and columns
  • Using VBA to analyze data on single and multiple worksheets
  • How to use VBA to control and automate chart construction
  • Constructing UIs from drawing shapes, pictures, and worksheets to run your VBA code
  • How to make custom worksheet functions (UDFs) to process data and perform calculations

What you will learn in our manual.

Expert Excel Training


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Coming Early 2025

Manual specifications and download.

For: Business and Industry
Format:ADOBE PDF and Excel Files as zip file download
Covers: Covers beginning to intermediate Excel VBA topics
Book:1100+ pages with Excel examples
Platform: Windows 7 and above
Download:Sent within 3 hrs after purchase Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CT
Versions: Excel 2013 for Windows and above

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