Microsoft Excel onsite classes.

Our Excel onsites will show your company how to use Excel to its fullest potential with classes tailored to your exact needs.

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Excel Onsites

Explore our onsite classes.

Beginning Excel for Business and Industry Intermediate Excel for Business and Industry Advanced Excel for Business and Industry Excel Dashboards for Business and Industry Beginning Excel VBA for Business and Industry Excel VBA Data Processing for Business and Industry Advanced Excel VBA for Business and Industry Microsoft Excel for Engineers and Scientists Excel Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists Excel VBA for Engineers and Scientists Excel VBA Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists Advanced Excel VBA for Engineers and Scientists Running Fortran DLLs from Excel VBA
Beginning Excel
for Business and Industry
Intermediate Excel
for Business and Industry
Advanced Excel
for Business and Industry
Excel Dashboards
for Business and Industry
Beginning Excel VBA
for Business and Industry
Excel VBA Data Processing
for Business and Industry
Advanced Excel VBA
for Business and Industry
Microsoft Excel
for Engineers and Scientists
Excel Data Analysis
for Engineers and Scientists
Excel VBA
for Engineers and Scientists
Excel VBA Data Analysis
for Engineers and Scientists
Advanced Excel VBA
for Engineers and Scientists
Running Fortran DLLs
from Excel VBA

How our Excel onsites will help your company.

Onsite Excel Training

EMAGENIT onsites can offer valuable insights into how your company can more effectively use Excel. Our Excel knowledge is based on our over 25 years of Excel industry training and software design > know-how. In other words, we not only teach, we also do.

We have seen a lot of Excel problems over the years, knowledge we can use to help companies solve a variety of Excel problems and tasks. Whether its formulas, pivot tables, reporting, or Excel VBA automation, our onsite training will show how to get the job done using Excel.

Things to know about our onsites.

  • EMAGENIT is based in Nashville, TN but holds onsites across the USA and the world.
  • Our Excel onsite classes cover all Excel and Excel VBA topics.
  • We can incorporate your problems in our hands-on training.
  • We'll show you the Excel mechanics along with how to solve problems.
  • Our class outlines are only the beginning, we can mix and match them to fit your needs.
  • We split our classes into two audience types: business / industry & engineering / science.
Excel Formula Design
Our Excel onsite classes cover things like rapid formula construction, worksheet functions, and how to layout your Excel problems.
External Data Access
Our Excel onsites cover time saving data processing and automated reporting topics.

Details about our onsite pricing.

  • Depending on the class and your location, we start at a 3, 6, or 10 person minimum and work from there.
  • When you add more people then the minimum, our prices per person go down.
  • If you need some type of per person cost right now, start on our Schedule > page, we usually go from there.
  • We work wonders with our onsite pricing, so call us at 805.498.7162 for details.

What equipment we can supply.

  • We have our own projection equipment, power strips, and cords.
  • We can supply Windows laptops for your training in case you do not have them. Just let us know in advance of the class.
  • Our computers have the latest Excel software version on them.
  • While we do not supply Mac computers, we do incorporate Excel for Mac into our training.
  • We can teach both Excel for Mac and Windows at once in our Excel onsites.
Excel Dashboard
Our Excel onsites not only cover the Excel mechanics, but also how to combine Excel elements to rapidly make a variety of different dashboard tools.
Pivot Table and Chart
Our Excel onsite training will show you how to build adaptive reports that auto adjust formats, formulas, and merge external data using Power Query.

Skill level of the attendees.

  • We'll help you select the right class for your people's skill set.
  • If you have a dramatic split in attendee skill level, it is recommended you run two classes.
  • The above said, we know how to train in those situations, just let us know in advance.
  • If a person is borderline skill level, put them in the tougher class. We'll take care of them.
  • Our classes are packed with loads of information, so explore them thoroughly or call us and we'll answer your questions.

We can also train your company virtually.

  • EMAGENIT has been training companies virtually since 2005.
  • Training your company virtually reduces the cost of the onsite.
  • We can integrate multiple facilities at once.
  • We can match any time zone for onsite broadcasts.
  • For more information about our virtual training:
Virtual Details >
Excel VBA Report
Our onsites cover all aspects of using Excel VBA, from beginning to the most advanced Excel VBA apps.
Need Help? Please call us at 1.629.207.9662

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