Advanced Excel VBA for Business and Industry - Live Class

Learn to combine Excel VBA's UI, analysis, data, and dashboard abilities to create advanced business apps. Class Examples >

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Advanced Excel VBA Training

How our class will boost your Excel VBA skills.

Boost Advanced Excel VBA Training

Our 3-day class shows how to combine VBA with Excel elements, userforms, and events to create advanced analysis, dashboard, and report generation tools.

It covers advanced app essentials like tracking data ranges, controlling arrays, using events, and workbook / text file control. Advanced data processing, automated reporting, and creating chart reports are also discussed.

In addition, our class discusses in depth how to create advanced interfaces for your apps using VBA, userforms, ActiveX, charts, and other key Excel elements. Advanced modeling and analysis tools, dashboards and KPIs, and database control using ADO are also covered.

Read our detailed outline > below and see everything you'll discover in our class.

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Learn to find where complex ranges start/stop, auto-build formulas, control workbook files with file pickers, and command the registry.

Learn to automate Excel's data tools (PivotTables, AutoFilter...), batch process reports with them, and then auto-format those reports.

Learn to process complex data patterns; fill report templates with the data; and auto-insert formulas in the report.

Learn to track multi-file downloads in folders, auto-build report tables, and lookup table data using VBA or auto-embedded lookup formulas.

Learn to scan folders for downloaded files, load arrays as charts datasets, and organize and format charts on worksheets to create reports.

Learn to use VBA to create text files; clean and parse downloaded text files; and calculate text file data.

Learn to use VBA, userforms, ActiveX, and events to design advanced program GUIs and run them from custom Ribbon controls.

Learn to design project status tools that auto-reformat their display and fuse data from multiple data sources and files.

Learn to combine VBA with worksheets, charts, ActiveX, shapes, and events to build advanced dashboard displays.

Learn to design advanced interfaces that control and query databases, text files, and workbooks using SQL, ADO, and VBA.

Example1 Example2 Example3 Example4 Example5 Example6 Example7 Example8 Example9 Example10
  • Tracking range configurations and controlling arrays in advanced VBA apps
  • Controlling folders, files, workbooks, and the Windows Registry
  • Advanced report generation using VBA, Excel's data tools, and PivotTables
  • Using loops, logic, and functions to analyze complex datasets and fill tables and forms
  • Using VBA to build / format advanced charts and layout multiple charts on a worksheet (chart report)
  • Advanced VBA methods for creating, writing, reading, parsing, and cleaning text files
  • Creating UIs for your Excel apps using the worksheet, ActiveX controls, shapes, and VBA
  • Creating UIs for your Excel apps using userforms, ActiveX controls, events, and VBA
  • Processing data in multiple folders, multiple workbooks, and worksheets
  • Managing advanced model and analysis problems with Excel VBA
  • Creating advanced dashboards on the worksheet using charts, shapes, events, ActiveX controls, and VBA
  • Constructing advanced status and calendar tools with Excel VBA
  • Using SQL, ADO, and UIs to query and integrate databases, workbooks, and text files

Some key topics we cover in class.

Advanced Excel VBA Training Topics

4 ways to train.

Virtual Signup

View the dates, signup, and pricing for our hands-on live virtual training.
Virtual Signup >   Learn More >

Public Signup

View the dates, signup, and pricing for our hands-on in-person training.
In-Person Signup >   Learn More >

Manual Information

Can't take the class, buy the self-study manual, apply the price later.
View Manual >

Onsite Details

Learn how we can help your business save time and effort in Excel.
View Onsite Details >

Class syllabus.

How we run the class: We focus our training on what our customers need. When training begins, we analyze those needs and shift our training outline appropriately. We will stress topics or add topics that our customers want. No two training sessions are ever the same with EMAGENIT.
Class Borchure PDF

Class Brochure


Finding Ranges, Using Arrays, and Tracking Objects

* Topics below discussed when needed in the class

Using VBA to Control Workbooks, Folders, Files, and the Registry

Advanced Report Automation and Formatting Using Excel VBA

Processing Complex Worksheet Data Patterns with Excel VBA

Advanced Chart Design and Automation

 Advanced VBA Methods for Creating and Reading Text Files


Creating Advanced User Interfaces on the Worksheet

Developing Advanced User Interfaces with VBA Userforms

Advanced Modeling and Problem Analysis with Excel VBA

Searching for Data in Multiple Workbooks, Worksheets, and Folders Using VBA


Constructing Advanced Status and Calendar Tools with Excel VBA

Assembling Advanced Worksheet Dashboards Using Excel VBA

Using SQL, ADO, and UIs to Control Databases, Workbooks, and Text Files

Additional Class Information

Prerequisites for our class.

Class time, manual, and repeats.

If you need to contact us about our class.

Phone Number: 1.629.207.9662

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CT

You can email us at >

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