Microsoft Excel Solutions Handbook Self-Study Manual

Our manual covers the Excel topics, strategies, and methods needed to solve your workplace tasks quickly. It will show you not only how to use various Excel elements but assemble them to make powerful tools.

Microsoft Excel Solutions Handbook

Covers the beginning to advanced Excel topics needed to solve workplace tasks quickly. Includes dashboards.

How our manual can help you.

Excel-Aided Engineering and Science

Our manual covers the Microsoft Excel skills and strategies you need for today's workplace to get the job done quickly. It discusses core Excel topics like workbook operation; typing data; copying and pasting; worksheet formatting; problem setup; using formulas and functions; sorting and filtering; and creating charts. How to build forms, setup tables, and process data is also discussed.

When you are done with the basics, it shows you how to utilize Excel tables, PivotTables, Pivot Charts, and Power Query to build automated reports that integrate, shape, and calculate data at the click of a button.

Other key topics discussed include how to use logic in formulas; build array formulas that lookup and process complex datasets; and coloring data using logic and Conditional Formatting. Our manual also covers how to create industry grade dashboards using ActiveX controls, charts, drawing shapes, and other key Excel elements.

  • Overview of the main Excel elements that make up a workbook and how to use them
  • How to create, open, view, and save workbooks
  • How to use the Ribbon, Excel dialog boxes, shortcut menus, and help
  • Typing and entering data on the worksheet
  • How to format worksheets including cell colors, fonts, borders, merging, text alignment...
  • How to analyze, sort, and filter data using Excel's Sort, Auto Filter and Advanced Filter tools
  • Performing worksheet calculations using cell references, ranges, formulas, and names
  • Performing drag and fill operations on the worksheet for formulas and data
  • How to use and debug worksheet functions like IF, VLOOKUP, SUMIFS, SUM, MAX, MIN...
  • How to properly design worksheet tables to store data
  • Using Excel tables and slicers to rapidly build adaptive reports and calculations
  • Creating and using PivotTables and Pivot Charts to rapidly process data
  • Using Conditional Formatting and logic to flag data on the worksheet
  • Using Data Validation on the worksheet to constrain user entry and build robust forms
  • How to setup and use ActiveX and Form controls on the worksheet for calculations and forms
  • Importing text files into Excel
  • Creating different types of charts in Excel including combined charts
  • How to link Excel with Word and PowerPoint
  • Accessing databases and external data sources using MS Query and Power Query
  • Microsoft Excel dashboard design...and much more!

What you will learn in our manual.

Expert Excel Training


Buy the manual now and apply its price to a class later. Just type your transaction # in the comments when purchasing a class.

Coming Early 2025

Manual specifications and download.

For: Business and Industry
Format:ADOBE PDF and Excel Files as zip file download
Covers:Covers beginning to advanced general Excel topics, VBA macros are not covered in this manual
Book:Fully illustrated, step-by-step instruction, with over 100 fully documented Excel examples
Platform: Windows 7 and above
Download:Sent within 3 hrs after purchase Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CT
Versions: Excel 2013 for Windows and above

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