Creating Advanced Excel VBA Apps Self-Study Manual

See how to combine Excel with VBA to build UI powered tools that solve tough problems. Our manual covers the Excel VBA topics needed to design powerful UI driven data processing, database, and calculation tools.

Creating Advanced Excel VBA Apps

Covers the fundamental to advanced Excel VBA topics needed to design UI and event driven Excel tools for your toughest tasks.

How our manual can help you.

Excel-Aided Engineering and Science

Our Excel VBA manual covers the topics which enable you to develop advanced interface driven data processing, database, and dashboard apps. The manual starts off with covering the Excel VBA fundamentals used in the construction of advanced Excel VBA tools. Basically, it is our beginning Excel VBA writeup.

It then shows how to build advanced interfaces using userforms, ActiveX controls, events, worksheets, charts, pictures, and drawing shapes.

Also covered are advanced data processing topics like multi worksheet/workbook data processing; reading and writing to text files; commanding and controlling the Windows folder and file system; and looping through and scanning workbooks for data in multiple folders.

It also covers essential data processing topics like tracking and finding data and using loops and logic to shift through complex data patterns. Last our manual covers how to use Excel VBA to control external applications like Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook and how to use ADO and SQL to query databases, text files, and workbooks.

  • Complete VBA Editor, module, debugger, and language review
  • How to use and type Excel objects, properties, and methods in VBA
  • How to track and find multiple Excel objects at once in VBA using loops and the Set statement
  • Controlling Excel settings, worksheets, workbooks, file pickers... with VBA
  • Controlling ranges, cells, formulas, names, fonts, borders, colors, number formats with VBA
  • Controlling Data Validation, sorting, filters, Excel tables, Queries... with VBA
  • How to automate repetitive worksheet calculations with Excel VBA
  • Using VBA to fill tables/forms, and insert, delete, copy/paste, and format table rows/columns
  • How to use VBA to control and build Excel charts
  • Advanced strategies for processing complex data patterns on multiple worksheets
  • How to build basic and advanced GUIs in Excel from VBA, ActiveX, userforms, events, shapes...
  • How to create custom worksheet functions that process data and perform advanced calculations
  • How to control the Windows folder system with Excel VBA
  • Commanding databases and text files using VBA, DAO, ADO, and SQL
  • Combining Excel VBA and Outlook to create rapid report generations tools

What you will learn in our manual.

Expert Excel Training


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Coming Early 2025

Manual specifications and download.

For: Business and Industry
Format:ADOBE PDF and Excel Files as zip file download
Covers: Covers beginning to advanced Excel VBA topics
Book:1500+ pages with Excel examples
Platform: Windows 7 and above
Download:Sent within 3 hrs after purchase Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CT
Versions: Excel 2013 for Windows and above

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