Looking to master Excel? Our comprehensive manuals below cover everything you need to run Excel like a master.
Business, Engineering, Science
Our hi-tech Excel manuals were developed from our 25+ years of Excel software design and training for industry. They are fully illustrated, chuck full of tips and methods, and contain the topics you really need to know. They contain problem solving information and examples all in one place you will not find easily on the internet.
We split our manuals into two categories: business & industry > and engineering & science >. All of our manuals are derived from two core manuals: The Complete Excel Manual > (business and industry) and Excel Aided Engineering and Science >.
If you purchase a manual from us and want more from the same group, just pay the difference in price and we'll send the related training modules. Once you see everything Excel can do, you'll want to know it all.
Our business and industry manuals below cover what you need to know about Excel, from the basics to advanced Excel VBA macro construction.
They cover a wide range of topics including formatting, formulas, functions, charting, PivotTables, Power Query, and much more.
With our manuals, you'll also learn how to organize your problems, analyze data, perform calculations, automate reports, and create dashboards.
They also show you how to use Excel VBA to create tools that reduce your multi-step tasks to seconds or how to automate complex problems.
Our engineering and science manuals below cover from the Excel fundamentals all the way to the most advanced Excel VBA macro topics.
They cover a large assortment of topics including model assembly, technical formula development, team integration, numerical analysis, and UI construction.
They also cover automated report generation, technical charts, data processing, technical drawings, Solver, external data integration, and much more.
Our Excel VBA write-ups will show you how to use macros to build a wide variety of technical tools, from automating tasks to advanced app development.
Excel Training Services
Excel Classes - Business and Industry
- Beginning Excel for Business and Industry
- Intermediate Excel for Business and Industry
- Advanced Excel for Business and Industry
- Excel Dashboards for Business and Industry
- Beginning Excel VBA for Business and Industry
Excel Classes - Engineers / Scientists
- Microsoft Excel for Engineers for Scientists
- Excel Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
- Excel VBA for Engineers and Scientists
- Excel VBA Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
- Adv Excel VBA Design for Engineers and Scientists
- Calling Fortran DLLs from Excel VBA
Excel Software Design/Consulting
Microsoft Excel Manuals
- Microsoft Excel Solutions Handbook
- Creating Advanced Excel VBA Apps
- Excel VBA Handbook for Engineers and Scientists
- Excel VBA App Design for Engineers and Scientists
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