Microsoft Excel overview and how to use it. - Tutorial

Presented below is an overview of key Microsoft Excel components and how Excel can be applied to various problems.

Build Excel Formula

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Microsoft Excel workbook overview.

Microsoft Excel is comprised of organizational units called workbooks. A workbook is a file that can be recognized by its common file extension of .xlsx. Workbooks that contain VBA code, commonly referred to as macros, have an extension of .xlsm. Be very careful when opening a workbook with VBA code as the code can run automatically after it is enabled and can wreak havoc on your computer.

A standard workbook contains worksheets and chart sheets that can be viewed by clicking on their tabs at the bottom of the workbook window. Workbooks are controlled via their File tab in the Ribbon (top of the window) using File / Open or File / Save As. Workbook window controls are found in the upper right hand corner of the window and control expansion and collapse.

In Excel versions 2013 and above, workbooks open in their own individual windows with Excel controls in each window.

Microsoft Excel Workbook and Worksheet

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In the workbook example above, you can see a worksheet and the tabs at the bottom of the window you click on to view each sheet type. When you save your work in Excel, it is saved as a workbook file with a basic file extension of .xlsx. At the top of the window you can see the Ribbon and the controls used to control Excel.

Microsoft Excel worksheet overview.

A worksheet is comprised of cells arranged in a table grid configuration. The column headers are labeled with alphabetical letters and the rows are numbered. These headers can be seen on the top of the worksheet and the left hand side.

The job of a cell is to store typed data or a formula that performs a calculation. Excel's data tools (data filters, sorting, PivotTables, Power Query) use the worksheet and process the stored data on it.

Microsoft Excel Worksheet

Scroll < > picture if hidden.

In the chart sheet example above, the notorious UFO pie chart is being displayed. Mix in some transparent gradient formatting, a whole lot of 3-d effects, and the look speaks for itself. It's good to know that even if the data is not good news, at least the chart looks great.

Microsoft Excel chart overview.

A chart sheet's job is to present a chart (graph) developed from data stored on a worksheet or from some other data source. They come in all different flavors like column, line, pie, sunburst, waterfall..., the list is pretty extensive. They can be formatted many different ways and they update when their sources change.

Charts can be placed on their own sheets and embedded on worksheets allowing many types of UI's to be developed.

Microsoft Excel Chart Sheet

Scroll < > picture if hidden.

In the chart sheet example above, the notorious UFO pie chart is being displayed. Mix in some transparent gradient formatting, a whole lot of 3-d effects, and the look speaks for itself. It's good to know that even if the data is not good news, at least the chart looks great.

Some powerful tasks that Microsoft Excel can perform.

Think of Microsoft Excel as a modular tool set that can be rapidly configured to accomplish a variety of tasks. In addition to Excel's capabilities, a powerful programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) which comes standard with Microsoft Excel can be used to automate its environment as well. Using Microsoft Excel, a professional can accomplish important tasks like:

By using Microsoft Excel to create tools, company funds and time are not invested in developing software tools from the "ground up" in computer languages that take large staffs to maintain.

Microsoft Excel Dashboard

Scroll < > picture if hidden.

In the dashboard example above, many of Excel's elements have been combined together to create the UI. These include charts, drawing shapes, array formulas, logic formulas, and Data Validation. Tools like these involve a lot of parts, but take minimum time to build in Excel. There strength is they can be built precisely for your needs.
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