What is an Excel worksheet and how to use it? - Tutorial

Presented below is an introduction to the Excel worksheet, how to type in it, and its capabilities. An Excel worksheet is where you type data and formulas in cells. It is also where you can filter, place charts, link to data sources...etc. Combining its capabilities allows amazing tools to be developed with minimal time and effort.

Build Excel Formula

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Microsoft Excel Worksheet Overview

A worksheet is comprised of millions of cells arranged in a row / column grid configuration. Columns are labeled with alphabetical letters while rows are numbered. These headers can be seen on the left side of the worksheet and the top of the worksheet.

A cell on a worksheet is identified by its column / row position like A1, just use the row / column headers to locate the cell. The job of a cell is to store typed data. It can also store a formula that performs a calculation.

The worksheet has the basic ability to:

Key Microsoft Excel Worksheet Elements

Scroll < > picture if hidden.

The worksheet above contains a view of some its most important elements and functionality. Notice the tab at the bottom that says Sheet1, you click on a tab to view a worksheet. In Excel, a user learns to combine these elements together to form a solution. The trick is to know how to combine them and have them operate as one. We know the tricks.

How to type in and edit an Excel worksheet cell.

To type in an empty Excel worksheet cell, you click on the desired cell then you type. This will enter the contents in the cell. You always press Enter which is a very important habit to develop as it will help you type formulas on a worksheet later.

To edit the contents of a cell, you double-click on the cell and it will go into Edit mode, You can also click on the cell and press the F2 function key. You can then click in the cell, Backspace, Arrow Key... just like Word and edit the contents. When done press Enter.

How to Type in an Excel Worksheet Cell

Scroll < > picture if hidden.

The example above demonstrates how to type information in a worksheet cell and how to edit a worksheet cell. Always remember to press the Enter key when completed.

What can the Excel worksheet do?

The Microsoft Excel worksheet is a very versatile tool that can perform many additional tasks to the ones stated above including:

By using Microsoft Excel to create tools, company funds and time are not invested in developing software tools from the "ground up" in computer languages that take large staffs to maintain.

What Can the Excel Worksheet Do?

Scroll < > picture if hidden.

In the example above, PivotTables, Power Query, Conditional Formatting, Data Validation, array formulas, Excel Tables , and logic formulas are pictured. Combining these elements together is what enables high powered Excel tools to be constructed.

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